New bike trails funded by Margam Green Energy

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

A project to re-design mountain bike trails at Margam Country Park, and funded by Margam Green Energy, has been a huge success.
Earlier this year, Neath Port Talbot Council allocated funding for the project to the Margam Mountain Bike Club from the Margam Green Energy Community Benefit Fund.  Money for the fund comes from Glennmont Partners, one of Europe’s largest and best-known renewable energy fund managers and who are the owners of Margam Green Energy plant.


Fuelled by waste wood, the Margam Green Energy plant provides renewable energy for up to 75,000 homes and employs 30 people onsite.

Using the money, the Mountain Bike Club worked with trail design specialists Back on Track on the project to transform the existing competition grade cycle tracks at Margam Country Park into downgraded ‘red’, ‘black’ and ‘blue’ trails.

The project was led by the Physical Activity and Sports Service team based at the park who also physically built the trail in partnership with Margam Park staff.  The trails are now accessible to the novice mountain biker but they still provide a challenge for those with a bit more confidence.  The project has been a huge success and since the reopening of the park, the club has witnessed a huge upsurge in membership and ad hoc usage.

Cllr Peter Rees, Neath Port Talbot Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Culture, said: “This is a fantastic example of the council working with our renewable energy partners to produce benefits the community can enjoy.  These new trails give much wider access to mountain biking which is not only good for people’s health but which also attracts more visitors to our flagship Margam Country Park.”

Murray Paterson, UK Biomass Manager for Glennmont Partners said: “Supporting this type of project is precisely what our Community Benefit Fund for Margam is about – supporting local community groups and organisations.  Given the easing of lockdown restrictions, we hope people of all ages make full use of the bike trails and explore the beauty of Margam Country Park.”

The Margam Green Energy Community Benefit Fund is administrated on behalf of Glenmont Partners by Neath Port Talbot Council’s Project Development and Funding Unit. The Fund grants awards of up to £3,000 to community projects based in the Ward of Margam.

Margam Green Energy hosts Neath Port Talbot Council

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019

Councillor Rob Jones, the leader of Neath Port Talbot Council and the ward councillor for Margam, visited the Margam Green Energy Plant on October 11th. He was joined by Taibach ward councillors Anthony Taylor (Deputy Leader of NPT Council) and Rachel Taylor, and council officers. It was a first opportunity for the group to see the plant since it entered commercial operation in the summer.

John Williams, Margam Green Energy’s manager, took the opportunity to explain how the plant uses waste wood (mainly sourced from South Wales and SW England) to generate renewable electricity and to introduce the NPT group to members of the operations team.

Needing help for your local club or special project in Margam? Check out the Margam Community Benefit Fund

Monday, July 8th, 2019

The Margam Community Benefit Fund was established in 2016 by Margam Green Energy in partnership with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. The annual community fund of £17,500 is available for the 20-year lifetime of the Margam Green Energy Plant, the waste wood fired power station that recently entered commercial operation.

Margam Green Energy Limited, through its owners Glennmont Partners, provides funding to promote inward investment and to support community facilities and activities in the local area.

Individual grants of up to £3000 can be awarded.  Over the past two years, the Fund has supported a range of projects, making a positive impact in the areas of health and recreation, the environment and culture within the ward of Margam.

Application forms and guidance notes for the 2019 Margam Community Benefit Fund are available from Neath Port Talbot Council, Project Development and Funding Unit, Port Talbot Civic Centre. 01639 763552 / 763390.


Monday, June 24th, 2019

£160m plant generating renewable electricity for up to 75,000 homes in South Wales

The Margam Green Energy Plant, located three miles south-east of Port Talbot in south Wales, has entered commercial operation. The plant is owned by Glennmont Partners, one of Europe’s largest and best-known renewable energy fund managers.

The main contractor for the Margam power project, the consortium of Babcock & Wilcox Vølund and Interserve Construction, has now formally handed it over to Glennmont Partners. The £160m renewable energy plant, fuelled by waste wood, will generate power for up to 75,000 homes.

Construction of the Margam plant started in 2016 and at one stage employed more than 400 people on site. Babcock & Wilcox Vølund (B&W) and Interserve worked in partnership with a large number of sub-contractors from Wales and other parts of the UK and continental Europe. The construction management of the power station was led by the Cardiff energy company, Eco2 Ltd.

Working closely with Glennmont, Eco2 now has management responsibility for Margam’s commercial operation as well as responsibility for Margam’s waste wood fuel logistics. B&W has operational and maintenance responsibility for the power plant. 25 people are directly employed at Margam.

Peter Dickson, Partner at Glennmont Partners said: “We are very pleased to see Margam fired-up and generating renewable energy for homes and businesses in south Wales. Margam is a long-term investment in Wales’s energy infrastructure.  “Glennmont has appreciated the hard work of everyone to complete Margam’s construction: the efforts of B&W, Interserve, Eco2 and in particular the commitment shown by so many individual workers on site. We have had challenges along the way but I’m delighted to have reached this moment: seeing Margam generating renewable electricity into the grid.”

South Wales young photographer wins national award

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

Siobhan Lock, a young photographer from South Wales, was the winner in the Young Future Technology category of the Engineering Employers Federation 2018 Photography Competition. The Awards were announced in November and featured in The Times and other newspapers

The photo, captioned as New Dawn, is an internal shot of the Margam Green Energy Plant.  It shows a complex network of ducts pass around the outside of the boiler which produces enough energy to superheat the water creating steam at 1000oC. 

More information about Siobhan and her work can be seen via

CREDIT: New Dawn, taken by Siobhan Lock at Margam Green Energy Plant in Port Talbot. Winner in the Young Future Technology category of the EEF Photography Competition 2018. CAPTION: Margam Green Energy is an innovative green energy biomass plant which utilises recycled woodchip material.  Within the main building a complex network of ducts pass around the outside of the boiler which produces enough energy to superheat the water creating steam at 1000oC.  This image looks up into the new dawn of sustainable electricity manufacturing.

CREDIT: New Dawn, taken by Siobhan Lock at Margam Green Energy Plant in Port Talbot. Winner in the Young Future Technology category of the EEF Photography Competition 2018.
CAPTION: Margam Green Energy is an innovative green energy biomass plant which utilises recycled woodchip material. Within the main building a complex network of ducts pass around the outside of the boiler which produces enough energy to superheat the water creating steam at 1000oC. This image looks up into the new dawn of sustainable electricity manufacturing.



Commissioning Update

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

We are expecting to commence “steam blowing” this week, for a period of around three weeks.  This work, postponed from May (see May 1st posting below that explains the work, hours of working etc), is an essential part of the Plant’s commissioning process that is necessary for the Plant to enter commercial operation later this year.  Local residents and businesses have been notified of the work, as have Neath Port Talbot Council and Natural Resources Wales.  For further information, please email us at [email protected]


Commissioning work: start of “steam blowing”

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

The Margam Biomass Power Plant is entering the final stages of commissioning, and as part of this work, an operation known as ‘Steam Blowing’ will commence shortly.  Steam Blowing is an essential part of the renewable energy plant’s commissioning process that is necessary for the plant to enter commercial operation.

We envisage the Steam Blowing commencing during the second week of May for a period of approximately three weeks during which time the plant will, approximately two or three times per day, discharge plumes of water vapour/steam to the atmosphere. The discharge of this vapour/steam may be heard in the local area and may at times be visible over the top of the landscaping areas that surround our site.

We will endeavour to carry out each Steam Blowing between 7.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday but there may be occasions that the Steam Blowing will be required to take place outside of these times (where this is necessary, we shall look to minimise the extent of such instances).

Both Neath Port Talbot Borough Council and Natural Resources Wales have been notified that we shall be undertaking this vital work, which when completed shall bring the Margam Biomass plant into operation.

Residents and businesses in the near vicinity of the Plant have been informed of this phase of work.


Margam Community Fund backs local groups

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

The Glamorgan Woodturners Club in Margam, Cwm Brombil Ladies WI and Margam Cricket Club are among this year’s beneficiaries of the Margam Community Benefit Fund which supports community groups in the ward of Margam.

The Margam Community Benefit Fund was established in 2016 by Margam Green Energy in partnership with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. The annual community fund of £17,500 is available for the 20-year lifetime of Margam Green Energy, a new waste wood fired power station that is nearing completion on land adjacent to Harbour Way in Margam.

Margam Green Energy Limited is providing the funding to promote inward investment and to support community facilities and activities in the local area. The individual grants of up to £3000 have this year once again supported a range of projects, making a positive impact in the areas of health and recreation, the environment and culture within the ward of Margam.

Glamorgan Woodturners was awarded £2,900 to purchase new workshop equipment for their members and to attract new members of all ages. Cwm Brombil Ladies WI received money to help them set up their group, whilst Margam Cricket Club received money for a new grass mower.

Other recipients included Tata Sailing Club for a new boat, Port Talbot Sea Cadet Unit 537 for a defibrillator and first aid equipment and Margam Community Centre for new chairs.

Leader of Neath Port Talbot Council Cllr Rob Jones said: “The Margam Community Fund continues to help a broad range of community groups and activities, and people of all ages, in Margam.   It’s a striking example of the private sector working with Neath Port Talbot Council for the benefit of the local community.”

Peter Dickson, Director of Glennmont Partners, the owner of the Margam Green Energy plant said: “This is the second year of the Fund and we are pleased such a diverse range of groups in the Margam area are benefiting from the money that we make available each year.”

Anyone interested in joining the Glamorgan Woodturners Club in Margam should contact Mr William Morgan (Club Secretary) on 01639 886106.

Notes to Editors:

Application forms and guidance notes for the 2018 Margam Community Benefit Fund are available from Neath Port Talbot Council, Project Development and Funding Unit, Port Talbot Civic Centre. 01639 763552 / 763390.

The Margam Community Fund is an extra voluntary benefit contribution offered by Margam Green Energy to the ward of Margam and those living closest to the plant. The Fund pays Neath Port Talbot Council on the 1st March each year an annual payment of £17,500. This payment ceases on the 19th anniversary of the payment of the first instalment. Neath Port Talbot Council performs the duties of the Grant Management Organisation and administer the fund for the exclusive benefit of the ward of Margam.

The Margam Community Benefit Fund is an open programme and applications can apply at any time of year. The Steering (Assessment) Group will determine bids on a regular basis.

Margam Community Fund Supports Local Sports Clubs and a whole lot more

Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Tata Steel Sailing Club and Margam Archery Club and are the latest beneficiaries of a fund open to community groups in the ward of Margam.

From right to left in the foreground of the photograph would be Councillor Rob Jones ( Margam Ward), Paul Hinder ( Project Development and Funding Manager), Mr. Murray Patterson of 'Glennmont Partners' (Biomass/Margam Green Energy), the Chairman of the Margam Archers Dave Hughes, Councillor John Rogers ( Taibach Ward), David Cook , Secretary of the Margam Archers Club.

From right to left in the foreground of the photograph: Neath Port Talbot Councillor Rob Jones ( Margam Ward), Paul Hinder (Project Development and Funding Manager), Murray Patterson of Glennmont Partners/Margam Green Energy, the Chairman of the Margam Archers Dave Hughes, Councillor John Rogers ( Taibach Ward), David Cook , Secretary of the Margam Archers Club.

The Margam Community Benefit Fund was established earlier this year by Margam Green Energy in partnership with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. The annual community fund of £17,500 is available for the 20 year lifetime of a new wood fired power station that is under construction on land adjacent to Harbour Way in Margam.

Margam Green Energy Limited is providing the funding to promote inward investment and to support community facilities and activities in the local area. The individual grants of up to £3000 have supported a range of projects that have a positive impact upon health and recreation, education, environment, culture, energy efficiency and the local economy within the ward of Margam.

Tata Steel Sailing Club was awarded £2,605 to purchase wetsuits to make it easier for local children and adults to experience sailing for the first time. Margam Archers were given money to buy new equipment for members.

Other recipients include Tata Steel Cricket Club, who received money to improve their kitchen area and tea room; Margam Community Centre, which received funding to improve the Centre’s energy efficiency and Margam Youth Club, which has had its sports hall floor refurbished.

Two schools have also received monies from the Fund so far this year – Coed Hirwaun Primary School and Dyffryn Upper School. Coed Hirwaun received a grant of £3000 to part-fund the installation of a canopy to provide a dry learning area for the teaching of outdoor activities, whilst Dyffryn Comprehensive received funding to provide Welsh languages classes for parents.

Leader of Neath Port Talbot Council Cllr Ali Thomas welcomed the funding, He said: “This is a good example of the community benefit which the Council aims to maximise when attracting private sector investment into the area. I am delighted to see that this fund is being put to good use by groups in the Margam area.”

Councillor Rob Jones, ward member for Margam on Neath Port Talbot Council said: “The Margam Green Energy Community Benefit Fund is making a really positive impact across Margam and I encourage other local groups to apply for funding.”

Peter Dickson, Director of Glennmont Partners, the owners of the Margam Green Energy Plant said: “It’s great to see the Fund supporting a range of community projects in the Margam area. The Margam Fund will continue to support the local community for many years to come.”

He added: “Construction of our Margam Green Energy plant is making good progress. We are expecting it to start generating renewable electricity by the middle of next year, generating enough electricity to power approximately 75,000 homes in the region. When open it will directly employ 30 people.”


Project Update, July 2016

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Good progress continues to be made on the construction of the renewable energy power station. The main buildings, the boiler house and the woodchip store (which will store up to 7 days of fuel stock when in operation) are well advanced, and the ducting for the connection to the local electricity grid is in place.

An average of 200 people are currently working on site for the main project contractors and more than 30 sub-contractor firms, and this number will peak to 350 people within the next few weeks. A good number of the sub-contractors are local to the area including Davies Crane Hire (Swansea), Shufflebottoms (Swansea) and Cardiff Steel.  Everyone is working hard to have the Margam plant ready for operation next year.

Given the size and nature of the project a great deal of attention is given to ensuring the highest standards in health and safety management on site and there are guidelines and procedures which are strictly enforced. We are pleased to report that, to date, there have been no lost-time accidents.

Relationships with the local community and Neath Port Talbot Council are important for the Margam plant. On July 7th, council members and officers visited the site to see the work that has been done since their last visit in February. In addition to this over recent months, the plant has hosted visits from engineering students from Swansea University and a ‘Women in Construction’ Group from Avon and we were pleased to welcome pupils from Dyffen Comprehensive School who visited the site and painted a mural on the entrance to the site.

As well as hosting educational visits, Margam Green Energy Limited is providing money to the Margam Community Benefit Fund that is administered by Neath Port Talbot Council. Since the Fund was launched in January, 10 different groups in the area have received money including the Margam Community Centre, Coed Hirwaun Primary School, Age Connects and Margam Archers.  Information on the application process for funding can be obtained from Neath Port Talbot Council.